Our Culture

The culture of Emet Global is one that we take pride in upholding. Not everyone we hire will be able to uphold the principles that makes up our culture. Our goal is to provide the tools and resources to help those individual, and along with our entire team develop the capability to uphold the principles that represents the Emet Culture.

The culture of Emet is plain and simple. It is simply “Truth”. Now this is easier said than done when it requires participation from the entire Emet Family. We however live by the first principle which is that “it all begins with those at the the top, leadership”. Our leaders all work very hard to demonstrate and maintain a culture that exist on the principles of pure honesty, integrity, respect and transparency. We continue to provide the training, tools and resources our Emet Family needs to help them grow and develop. Our culture facilitate creativity, family and purpose. Another important practice in the Emet Culture is to also facilitate a healthy and clear mind. Our EGLES program was implemented as a result of our desire to support the wellbeing of our employees. The EGLES program help employees who may be feeling stuck in a certain area of their life. They can get the help and support they need to move forward. There is also resources for those needing more than support to get unstuck but deeper mental health support.

We live by the philosophy that our employees should never be treated as a number or that their purpose at Emet Global Education Group is to just bring in the numbers. We don’t see our employees as a number, we see them as family, people who we spend most of our days with. There is no one person that is better than the other at EGEG. Because of these principles, we have eliminated having titles like managers and supervisor, Why? because TRUTH be told people don’t want to be managed or supervised, that behavior is for a number driven atmosphere; We know that people rather to be lead, people with passion are looking for a good leader who can help them get to their fullest potential. Our team of leaders understands this vision. We work hard to make this clear and very diligent uphold this standard.

We strongly encourage our employees to report behaviors of intimidation, brow beating and treats to gain results or high performance. By providing the proper training, coaching, resources, recognition and leadership, the results will come as this is what it takes to bring out the best in a person. What we need is your BEST. After providing all the tools and support to encourage the employee performing at his or hers best self and the employee still demonstrate an inability to performing reasonably than that person is either not a good fit for the role or the company and we may very well not be the best fit for that person. Some people thrive better in other environments and we have to put our ego aside and be ok with freeing people to live out their best self in an environment they might strive better in.