Who We Are

We promote and encourage full growth potential by facilitating a happy culture with a family Dynamic. Our organization was founded on the true vision and word of God. Chancellor and founder Nicole Sewell likes to say:

“what’s most important to God is what should be most important to us. God’s most precious and important of all His creation is MANKIND”.

Emet Global Education Group (2018) Ocala, Florida

Here at Emet Global Education Group, we are intentional about nurturing and developing the WHOLE person. We don’t just stop at hiring people and developing career and talent, we believe is SELF development. A person who is living at their fullest potential will always give you their best. We want our Emet Family to operate at their best self not just for Emet but for God, their friend and certainly not least, their families. Our philosophy states:

“Being intentional about the development and success of others”

Emet Global Education Group (2018) Ocala, Florida

Our philosophy is just a small statement of our strong believe in personal growth. Check out our benefits area and take a look at some of the things we are doing to make sure our employees are continual improving as a person. We are on a mission to help others live out the purpose and original plan God intended for their life. Our mission is simply put;

“Our mission is to provide the knowledge, skills and resources that caters to the WHOLE person to help as many people succeed in BECOMING the BEST version of who GOD intended for them to BE within this world”

Emet Global Education Group (2018) Ocala, Florida

We believe that it all starts at the top. The leadership of an organization is detrimental to where that organization is headed. A leader’s job is to lead people towards a planned destination that is seen more clearly by the leader.

“When the leader’s vision is clear, it is then easy for those carry out the vision to be in full support of where the organization is going by making the choice to be all in or all out because it does or does not align with their own vison”

Sewell, N., Chancellor (2018) Ocala, Florida

Every organization should have a clear path of where it is headed. A blind organization will not only head in the wrong direction while taking everyone on a journey down the wrong path, they will also cause accidents along the way. The leadership is the eyes of the organization and a leader with a good MASTER vision and sub-visions to accomplish the master, is headed in the right direction. Knowing when to stop, when to detour and the right speed to travel.

“Our Vision is to Carry out a mandate given to our founder by God: to build an education KINGDOM that facilitates mass distribution of EMET across the globe through different KINDS of phylum’s resulting in the reconciliation of MANKIND back to the state of HHAKHAM, DA`AT and TAVUN”.

Emet Global Education Group (2018) Ocala, Florida

A true organization that is ordained by God to go out through out all world and proclaim the good news to all creation. With this commission we press forward, standing on this statement of faith

“There is one TRUE God who is a Spirit! We believe God is Salvation manifested as the WORD. And gave us access to the gift of salvation when He begot Himself within Himself by his Word manifested as Man, the Son of Himself (God) within His creation to lay His life down and rose (Resurrection) again on the 3rd day, reconciling us BACK to Him”

Emet Global Education Group (2018) Ocala, Florida

Recognizing our Emet Family is an important part of growth and development. This is why we take pride in monthly recognition programs and annual bonuses. See benefits. Our employees are happy knowing their work is appreciated and that they are a valuable part of who we are. Without our Emet Family of staff, we would not be who we are today. Our staff shows up each day to give it their best and pride themselves in knowing that we are anchored by honesty and truth. After all.

Teaching Emet is Teaching Truth!”

Sewell, N., Chancellor (2018) Ocala, Florida

Emet Global Education Group is very proud to say, we have a great family of employees who care about our students, clients and customers and we care about our Emet Family!

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